sooo, it's been incredibly busy these last couple weeks since i've posted last. i actually went on vacation to Arnold, CA to go see the snow! it was amazing. i miss it already. but i did happen to find out when i got back, that our group DID win the obesity timeline project/competition!! here's the winning design:

it wasn't your typical timeline..each patty represents a 5% increase and the color of the french fries represent states with different percentages. under each "combo meal" are facts about how the decade affected the rising numbers in obesity in the US. mike's humor can be seen in the ridiculously funny ads on the top of the menu. overall it was an awesome proj. job well done team!! :D
it was soo exciting to hear we won..but it was probably good i wasn't in class to hear it..cuz i'm a little unruly when it comes to winning/losing things. i'm a sore winner..and an even bigger sore loser. HA! anyway, midterms went pretty well i think...we've moved on to bigger and better things it seems.
Past Projects::
I decided to recap a off some of my stuff i've done so far this, this is a project we did in my electronic layout class..took me about two seconds. i just used glyphs from dingbats, wingdings, or webdings..or one of those DING fonts. criteria was just to use two glyphs and make some kind of flyer/postcard::

As a test of just our design skills our teacher had us make a schedule/calendar showing when certain plays were going on at an Opera House in Turkey. all the information was Turkish and had to be translated for us. the object was to have us be unfamiliar with the information...and still showcase it in a way someone would be able to understand. here is what i came up with::

Current Projects::
For video we have to make a short film not using any sound. coming up with a concept was a little hard because we can't talk in we have to get our message across through actions and emotion. our idea was to have a girl go to the store with a shopping list on how to make spaghetti. when she got there she'd go pick out noodles...and in the process just get confused by all the types of noodles. (because, lets face walk into any grocery store and there are not only a million brands of ONE ITEM..there are like a million and one types of it...and picking out something simple then becomes ridiculously confusing and i right?!?!?) so, she'll finally decide on a package of noodles..then walk to the canned tomato sauces and get just as confused...and then she'll drop her bag of noodles..which, as they hit the floor will explode all over the place..and then the last frame would be her running out of the a mad woman. YEA! see, this would be an amazing idea..cept WE'RE NOT ALLOWED TO FILM IN LIKE ANY GROCERY STORE IN we had to change it..and now, we're a 7-11. wtf? ugh. totally distroys our made me upset. but, life goes on. we film tomorrow 'round 2...we'll see how it goes.
we have a project for a client (that our teacher had come in..that i probably shouldn't talk about on here...) but has to do with internet privacy. i also have a movie poster project where i have to use type as some sort of texture...then draw up sketches for an intro for the movie using moving type in adobe After Effects (which, as i use more and more..just becomes cooler and cooooooler to play with!!). none of this is too particularly exciting to me..but we'll see how this next week goes.
btw, here's a funny pic of me that my best friend lindsay took of me when i was video chatting with her during the morning...when i'm still tired.....and want to go back to bed.....(when i probably should've been paying attention..HA!)
for your laughing pleasure::

Random thought of the day:
happy late Fat Tuesday...(we celebrated it today at my grandma's house! :D)
oh! one last random thought of the day last week wasn't suppose to mean THIS in MY BLOG was suppose to link you
HERE!!! but once again, i warn you..don't read it in class...or when someone is talking to you about anything serious..