Tuesday, March 24, 2009

intro to film final. done.

before i get started on letting you view my final for film...i just want to say...RIP. my iphone. i miss you. :(
and now....here's my final for my film class...it had to be on urban life...but i wanted to make mine on my city...which is NOT urban...it's SUBurban. so, the idea was to make the beginning look like you were in a dirty, grungy city and then, show the beautiful side of sunnyvale. so it's like, you ARE in a CITY, which is what URBAN means..but show both sides, the city part..and then the suburban beatiful...place..i live. so here it is...all still frame shots..song (badly) mixed in garageband...

anyway, off to spend what's left in my bank account on a new iphone. :(

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